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To be able to feel what others feel.

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Q: What is the meaning of the word empathy?
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What part of speech is the word sympathy?

The word 'empathy' is the English translation by Titchener in 1909 of the German word 'Einfühlung' 'Einfühlung' is a concept borrowed from aesthetics meaning: 'to project yourself into what you observe'

What is the connotation of empathy?

Empathy is when you are able to feel for someone because you have experienced or are going through the same thing. Denotation is the direct, dictionary meaning of a word, what the word literally means. The denotation of empathy is what I just said, feeling for someone because you know through past experience what it feels like to be going through what they are. The connotation of empathy is used more often than the denotation of empathy simply because that's how words work in the English language, the meaning of the word according to the context (connotation) is used more often than a words literal meaning (denotation) The connotation of empathy can vary depending on the context that the word is used in, but most often it is used with the word with. With suggests that you are feeling with the person. Sometimes empathy is used with the word for, but this suggests that you are feeling at the person, rather than with them. When the word for is used rather than with, empathy's connotation changes.

What part of speech is the word empathy?

Empathy is a noun.

What is the Latin root of empathy?

The lating root word for empathy is pathos

What does pathic mean in the word telepathic?

It comes from "pathos" meaning "feeling". The same root found in telepathy is also found in empathy, sympathy, and homeopathy.

What is pakikiramay in English?

The word "pakikiramay" is in Tagalog or Filipino language (national language of the Philippines). In English language it's meaning is "commiseration", "condolence", "sympathy", "empathy".

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What are words containing the root word -path-?

Empathy and Sympathy are two of the many words that contain the root word -path.

Example of a sentence using a word empathy?

I had a strong sense of empathy and I could comfort the heartbroken children.

Is there an Irish word for zone of empathy?

Crios ionbhá.

What word means a symapthetic awareness?

The word that means a "sympathetic awareness" is Empathy.

The deifintion for empathetic?

Being able to understand and share someone else's feelings.