Single Spaced or No Spacing
There is no strict rule for spacing for business letters. The standard is single spacing with a blank line separating each part (date, address, greeting, paragraphs, etc.) of the letter. Some legal organizations prefer double spaced letters the same as for legal documents.
What is continuation line in business letter?
2 spaces
times new roman 12 point font and single spacing is probably acceptable as well as double.
Single Spaced or No Spacing
There is no strict rule for spacing for business letters. The standard is single spacing with a blank line separating each part (date, address, greeting, paragraphs, etc.) of the letter. Some legal organizations prefer double spaced letters the same as for legal documents.
single (1.0)
Double spacing is set to 2.0 line spacing.
Word 2007 - Line spacing
What is continuation line in business letter?
i is you put time rowmans size 12
i is you put time rowmans size 12
Always leave a blank line between each paragraph of a business letter even if an indent is used to begin the paragraph. Each paragraph of a business letter has a specific purpose*, the blank line acts as a pause for the recipient to think about what was just read before moving on to the next paragraph. *If each paragraph in your letter doesn't have a purpose, then you need to edit.
which of the following line-spacing options sets fixed line spacing that word does not adjust
2 spaces
times new roman 12 point font and single spacing is probably acceptable as well as double.