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Q: What is the information gap principle give an example to show how it is used in communication?
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Explanation about downward and upward communication included the example?

Downward communication involves the flow of information from higher levels of an organization to lower levels, such as when a manager provides instructions or feedback to their team. Upward communication, on the other hand, is when information flows from lower levels of an organization to higher levels, like when employees give feedback or share concerns with their supervisors. For example, a CEO announcing a new company policy to all employees is an example of downward communication, while employees providing suggestions for improvement to their managers is an example of upward communication.

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How can communities be improved?

communication skill can be improved by following steps: 1. Speaking slowly and clearly 2. To hear others attentively There are basically four major parts to complete communication. To be received To be understood To be accepted To get action if any of the above part is missed then our communication is failed. For example you say to anyone "Give me that book" Now that person basically receives that information. If he understands your information then he will accept it. If he does not accept it then our communication is failed. Now if he accepts it then he will take action and will give you that book. In this way our communication is complete. Communication skill can also be improved by talking in simple language And talk to one according to his level.

Can you give me an example of equivalence?

Both the machines are similar in capacity , by design and have same principle of operation .

What is meta communication give example?

what are some examples of meta communication?Here are the three types of metacommunicationanticipatory metacommunicationadaptive metacommunicationreflective metacommunication

How can communication skills be improved?

communication skill can be improved by following steps: 1. Speaking slowly and clearly 2. To hear others attentively There are basically four major parts to complete communication. To be received To be understood To be accepted To get action if any of the above part is missed then our communication is failed. For example you say to anyone "Give me that book" Now that person basically receives that information. If he understands your information then he will accept it. If he does not accept it then our communication is failed. Now if he accepts it then he will take action and will give you that book. In this way our communication is complete. Communication skill can also be improved by talking in simple language And talk to one according to his level.

Communication is the transformation of information?

we communicates with others to give information which we have.we want to share our thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions about any matter or relevent topic to others so we can say that communication is the transfomation of information.

How does ''input'' influence a person's communication?

"Input" influence a person's communication such stimuli, both past and present, that give us our information about the world.