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To be connected to people domestically as well as internationally.

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Q: What is the importance of mail?
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What is the importance of a scanner in the office?

The importance of a scanner in an office is that it helps in the scanning of the documents. By scanning the documents, the documents can be attached or sent via electronic mail.

What is high importance?

In Email/IM language, a message or a mail of "high importance" is simply an important piece of information. For example, mails of "high importance" are usually marked with a big red exclamation mark in Microsoft Outlook and Hotmail to alert the users of their statuses. One must be careful, however, to remember that anyone can designate his or her mail as being "highly important." A lot of spammers designate their spam-mails as being of "high importance" to attract attention. Take note that just because the e-mail is listed "high importance" or of the "highest priority," does not mean it really is.

What is Important of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol?

IMPORTANCE OF SMTP is transmission of emails across the internet.

Give me a salman khan's contect number or mail because this is very importance for me and my personal life?

How are you.

Indian Postal Service and Letter Importance?

very important to mail letters to each other

What are the importance of computer in Government?

Computers are used in government for: Emailing Distributing Payments Record Keeping Direct-Mail Promotions

Benefits of voice mail to the organization?

Voice mail service is capable of accepting calls when the called party is unavailable. This is to ensure that organization will never miss a single call, especially those of great importance.

In Lotus Notes sent mail list what does a red envelope icon to the left of the recipient mean?

It means high importance sent.

What has the author Charles Christopher Wright written?

Charles Christopher Wright has written: 'The importance of image in a mail order environment (with reference to other forms of retailing)'

What is the importance of greeting?

E-mail greetings are important because they make a first impression and will influence how a person sees you and your availability to talk to them and concern for their problems. E-mail greetings are especially important in formal communications.

Should you worry if mail takes longer than a week?

depends on how far the distance, and the size of the package. if its just small mail, from one town to another nearby town, then you might.. also depends on the importance of the mail.. (you wont worry over something not important) Also, if you had a wrong address or forgot the return adress, then it may be gone forever.

What is the importance of Franklin Covey and Plan Plus?

The importance of Frankling Covey PlanPlus is that it's a series of powerful software applications that deal with the full planning process. It integrates all of your information from different sources like email, memos, voice mail etc into an integrated system.