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Power point - for making it easy to generate good as well as bad presentations in under 30 minutes - for relevant visual content filetype:ppt search - for identifying similar power point slides and materials

Image manipulation, cropping and resizing tools - for improving impact

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Q: What is the impact of 20 years of technology on written or visual comminication?
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What is the importance of technical writing for business?

Technical writing supports a business's use of technology in the business functions performed by every business, whether the function be centered in numbers, text, audio, visual or automated systems. The person who writes the technical material must understand both 'languages': the language of business and the language of technology. Ultimately, well-written technical material can be used by a business worker to perform the business tasks at hand.

What are the merits and demerits of audio visual communication?

merits and demerits of audio visual aids

What is the meaning of channel in Communication?

The channel is the mode or medium through which comprehensible information is transferred from the sender to the receiver. It could be a visual channel for a written message or an auditory channel for a spoken message, for example.

What are visual codes in media?

visual codes are the things that stand out on print adverts for example, language, colours and imgaes.

What are the disadvantages of audio - visual communication?

While audio-visual communication offers numerous benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider: Lack of Personal Interaction: Audio-visual communication, especially when conducted remotely or through pre-recorded media, lacks the personal interaction found in face-to-face communication. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can be limited or difficult to interpret, leading to potential misunderstandings or miscommunication. Technical Challenges: Audio-visual communication heavily relies on technology, which can sometimes be prone to technical issues. Poor audio or video quality, internet connectivity problems, or compatibility issues with different devices or software can disrupt communication and hinder the effectiveness of the message. Language and Cultural Barriers: In audio-visual communication, language and cultural differences can present barriers to understanding. Accents, unfamiliar vocabulary, or cultural references may make it challenging for participants to comprehend the intended message fully. This can lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings. Distractions and Information Overload: In audio-visual communication, there is a higher possibility of distractions and information overload. Participants may be easily distracted by their surroundings or multitasking while attending to the communication, leading to reduced attention and comprehension. Additionally, the abundance of visual and auditory stimuli can overwhelm participants, making it difficult to focus on the main message. Limited Feedback and Engagement: Unlike in face-to-face communication, audio-visual communication may limit the immediacy of feedback and engagement. Delays in responses, difficulty in reading audience reactions, or limited opportunities for spontaneous interaction can hinder the flow and effectiveness of the communication process. Access and Inclusivity Challenges: Not everyone may have equal access to the necessary technology or reliable internet connections required for audio-visual communication. This can exclude certain individuals or groups, creating disparities in participation and hindering inclusivity. Additionally, individuals with visual or hearing impairments may face challenges in fully engaging with audio-visual content. Permanence and Record-keeping: Audio-visual communication, particularly in live settings, may lack permanent records of conversations or discussions. Unlike written communication, which can be saved and referred back to, audio-visual communication may not have the same level of documentation, making it challenging to retrieve specific details or agreements discussed during the communication. It's important to consider these disadvantages when choosing the appropriate mode of communication for different situations. While audio-visual communication offers convenience and flexibility, it's essential to be aware of its limitations and take necessary steps to overcome or mitigate these challenges for effective communication.

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Ways in which photography and film used for propaganda today?

As time has advanced so as technology that can impact many things including propaganda. By incorporating video and pictures with propaganda then you may get the point across easier since visual cues can have a greater impact then just the written word.

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Visual technology deals with the visual representation including photography, printing, video.

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It may refer to technology