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mass production is about production on a large scale.

Mass Communication is about communication among a number of people.

"Mass Communication" is one of those vague terms that could mean almost anything. From the 1950's-80's or so, it would have meant radio and television, or communications systems that reached anywhere from thousands to millions of people when they were broadcasting. It was called "mass" communication because it reached a very large audience. Today, the internet makes it easier to distribute information quickly across the globe, even if it is not likely to reach as many people as the CBS Evening News did back during the 1950's.

"Mass production" refers to a manufacturing process that takes advantage of the economies of scale. Building a factory, buying specialized machinery and training workers costs a lot of money. If you are going to produce millions of copies of a single good, it makes sense to build factories with specialized machines and trained workers that can produce the goods quickly and for a low cost-per-unit. If you are only going to produce a small quantity of a good, you are not going to pay for all of the super-efficient equipment and training. Therefore, the cost-per-unit will be higher.

There is really no similarity between these two concepts, except insofar as they produce a one-size-fits-all product. Mass communication produced programs for a vast audience, and beamed them out across the country. Mass production produces large quantities of the same good and sells them across the world.

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Q: What is the difference between mass production and mass communication?
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What is the difference between group communication and mass communication?

mass communication which has to communicate the mass media like radio tv internet group is work which discuss in the group so which is called has group discussing

What is the difference between journalism and mass communication?

journalism include all media sources with whom we can be in touch with masses and mass means people and communication means to communicate,so there is no such difference,its same.yes there is a bit difference because we add mass communication word because in journalism we are taught how to communicate with people and how to make that communication successful.

What is the difference between Interpersonal communication and mass communication?

mass communication is a linear process depends on mechanical or electonical mass medium like tv, internet, radio... mass communication address a large and diverse audience, but interpersonal communication is a communication process between a few members or two members a sender and a receiver, in interpersonal comm there is a role-taking and a feedback, but in mass comm there is a lack of immediate feedback and inability to engage in effective role-taking

What is the difference between mass communication and development communication?

Difference between mass communication and development communication(Mass communication vs. Development Communication)Paradigm -- the two work in a different paradigm.Mass communication or MassCom is about creating and exchanging information to a medium to large, anonymous, varying population through the use of mass media - advertising, broadcasting, journalism, or public relations. Information comes from a single source transmitted to the masses or wide range of people.Development communication or DevCom is about the application of the science of human communication in nation-building. At its heart is the participatory approach wherein stakeholder analysis - analysis on behavior, intentions, interrelations, interests of stakeholders - is used from the planning to the implementation of customized development agenda.

What is the interrelationship between mass communication and culture?

There is a complicated interrelationship between mass communication and culture. Cultures are developed through communication and this is what makes this relationship to be considered as an intimate one.

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