The customer service phone number for UPS is 1-800-742-5877. This phone number supposedly has the shortest waiting time and UPS will return the call if the customer doesn't want to wait.
To contact UPS customer service, one should use the customer service number provided on their official webpage. Alternatively, email them with one's details.
The phone number for the UPS customer service in Secaucus New Jersey is a fairly simple one to remember without even writing down. It is 1-800-pick-ups. This customer service number is good for all locations.
The phone number for UPS customer service is 800-742-5877. The UPS center is located at 440 Eastern State Hospital Rd in Vinita, OK.
The customer service phone number for UPS is 1-800-742-5877. This phone number supposedly has the shortest waiting time and UPS will return the call if the customer doesn't want to wait.
To contact UPS customer service, one should use the customer service number provided on their official webpage. Alternatively, email them with one's details.
The phone number for the UPS customer service in Secaucus New Jersey is a fairly simple one to remember without even writing down. It is 1-800-pick-ups. This customer service number is good for all locations.
Call 1-800-PICK UPS
The phone number for UPS customer service is 800-742-5877. The UPS center is located at 440 Eastern State Hospital Rd in Vinita, OK.
If you are a UPS employee, you will know the employee number. If you want to reach UPS customer service, call 1-800-742-5877.
(619) 482-8521
800-742-5877 is there general customer service number the local number is 973-515-4010
UPS toll-free number: 1-800-PICK-UPS or 1-800-742-5877
The number is 1-800-PICK-UPS (742-5877)
The purpose of a Paypal customer service number is for contacting paypal customer service, in case of any issues a paypal customer may have with paypal.