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Conservation of matter means, matter can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.

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Q: What is the conversation of mass mean?
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What does the principal of conversation of mass mean?

That Mass can neither be created or destroyed in a physical or chemical process.

Why the the mass of a candle does not disappear while burning?

Because of the law of conversation of mass

What is mass of conversation of mass?

Conservation of matter means, matter can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.

Explain why the mass of a candle does not disappear while burning?

Because of the law of conversation of mass

What does aga mean in chat conversation?

It can mean like 'yup' or 'yeah' in a reply towards a conversation.

What equation shows conversation of mass?

The equation that shows conservation of mass is the mass of reactants equals the mass of products in a chemical reaction. This can be represented as: Mass of reactants = Mass of products.

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A "party to the conversation" means a person involved in it. For example, a conversation between two people has two parties to the conversation. A conversation between 7 people has 7 parties to the conversation.

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Does you mass always stay the same no matter what?

Yes, no gas is given off, therefore the mass of conversation will stay the same.