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has alot to do with numbers

Quantitative information is defined as the fundamental of the scientific and engineering analysis about what substrate will be fed into the system, operating condition which can be obtained by measuring pertinent physical and chemical variables.

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Q: What is quantitative information?
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What is the purpose of a cordinate graph?

To present quantitative information in a visual form. To present quantitative information in a visual form. To present quantitative information in a visual form. To present quantitative information in a visual form.

What is used to make quantitative observations?

A quantitative observation can observe numerical information, a control, non numerical information, and a system. A quantitative observation is observed through looking at things.

Is sensory information used in quantitative investigations?

No, sensory information is used in qualitative investigations. Quantitative investigations involve numbers.

Where can someone find the visual display of quantitative information on minerals?

One can purchase a book from Amazon titled The Visual Display of Quantitative Information for $29.00. In this book one can see the visual display of quantitative information on minerals.

How does quantitative information differ qualitative information?

Sup yo

Complex analysis of qualitative and quantitative information?

any value recorded directly from a tool is considered quantitative data.

What does quantitative data consict of?

Quantitative data expresses information about quantities so that the information can be written down in numbers. Things like height and shoe size for example

How does quantitative differ from qualitative information?

Sup yo

Examples of quantitative data?

Quantitative data is Information that can be expressed in numerical terms, counted, or compared on a scale. An example of a quantitative data is: 'the number of 911 calls received in a month'.

What is the Difference between qualitative and quantitative information?

Quantitative is like how many of the object there are, and qualitative is its color or texture (physical stuff).

What is quantative data?

The main difference between qualititative and quantitative data is the numeric information. In quliatative data we only rely on information from the field which is not numeric and the quantitative data contains numerica data. That's why quantitative data is also know as mathematic dats.

What is meant by quantitative information?

Quantitative means in measurable amounts as opposed to qualitative. For instance, if someone asked you what the weather was like you could say, "it is hot" (qualitative), or you could say, "it is 95 degrees" (quantitative).