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Q: What is meant by quantization related to communication?
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What is quantization range?

Quantization range refers to the range of values that can be represented by a quantization process. In digital signal processing, quantization is the process of mapping input values to a discrete set of output values. The quantization range determines the precision and accuracy of the quantization process.

What is meant by horizontal communication?

horizontal communication

What are examples of communication that are meant to help consumers?

Communication is written for a specific purpose and audience; an example of communication that is meant to help consumers is product sensitization.

What is the Different between sampling and quantization?

Sampling Discritizes in time Quantization discritizes in amplitude

What is an ideal quantization error?

The ideal Quantization error is 2^N/Analog Voltage

What is the difference between uniform quantization and non uniform quantization?

one syllable LOL

What are the types of scalar quantization?

There are two types of quantization .They are, 1. Truncation. 2.Round off.

What is mid riser quantization?

Mid riser quantization is a type of quantization scheme used in analog-to-digital conversion where the input signal range is divided into equal intervals, with the quantization levels located at the midpoints of these intervals. This approach helps reduce quantization error by evenly distributing the error across the positive and negative parts of the signal range.

Give the meaning of unintended communication?

communication that was not directly meant to be communicated

What is the relationship between quantisation noise and bandwidth in pcm systems?

Quantization noise is a model of quantization error introduced by quantization in the analog-to-digital conversion(ADC) in telecommunication systems and signal processing.

What is meant by 'soft communication skills' and 'hard communication skills'?

what are hard skills

What is analog-digital hybrid modulation?

—Analog digital hybrid modulation seeks the ways to eliminate the incoherent quantization noise component in digital communication, instead of conveniently making it minimal.