'voici votre nouvelle' means 'here are your new'
Le numéro de téléphone de Johnny Depp means: "Johnny Depp's phone number" in English.
to start, to commence
The word chat in the French language translates into English as the word cat. This word is said as gatto in Italian.
envoyer des e-mails or envoyer des courriels means to send out e-mails in French.
This translates as: "what is your telephone number?" in French.
This translates as: "what is your telephone number?" in French.
Dame tu numero de telefono means give me your telephone number
Tienes telefono? me das tu numero? Do you have a telephone? may I have your phone number?.
It is French for "your heart"
Votre père means "your father".
Suivez votre gout translates as "follow your taste" in English.
Your silly is what it means in french
"Votre copine aime" means "your girlfriend likes" in French.
à votre service is a very polite way of saying - I am here to serve you, what can I do for you?
You can say "Épellez votre nom" in French to mean "Spell your name".