J'ai envoyé par courriel récemment. J'ai envoyé = I sent par courriel = email récemment = recently
Merci pour votre émail(courriel)
your message what does mensaje mean in english?
This is an expression that loosely translates to the English "help me to understand". It literally means: "make me know".
Primary email address.
J'ai envoyé par courriel récemment. J'ai envoyé = I sent par courriel = email récemment = recently
mail is translated courrier in French. E-mail is spelled email, e-mail, courriel or mèl (courriel and mèl being the 'official', but less used, denominations)
Merci pour votre émail(courriel)
"je n'ai (pas) reçu (de) courriel de vous ce week-end" means 'I did not receive any e-mail from you that week-end'
email is commonly called the same as in English, or the French may use "courrier". The official terms are "courriel" (from courrier + électronique) or "mél", but they are used mainly in adminstrative literature. The mail delivered by the post office is called "le courrier".
Sorry! I'm not sure i understand your question: You want to know the french word for "e-mail"? It is: Courriel
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well it depends on what you mean by english if you mean english subtitles than YES, but if you mean spoken in english NO
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