By The Way
It most likely means "Say them up" which is probably slang from the CO or something. (3OH!3 IS AMAZING BTW) :D
btw mean by the way.
BTW - by the way
It stands for 'by the way' in texting.
BTW means By The Way!!
It means "By the way" (e.g BTW i don't like your Dress or BTW I like your phone)BTW-by the wayROFL-rolling on floor laughingLOL-laugh out loudUGTGAJ-you got to get a jobUMP-you male playerUWP-you woman playerPLAYAAA-playeromfg-oh my f godwthyd-what the hell you doingWTH-what the hellBtw also means for me means "back to work". As if btr means "back to reading"In text-speak and internet slang, BTW stands for By The Way.Added by jasmine,XD- laugh
If you mean slang as in internet slang, then it means "Certified Old Fart".
btw stands for by the way...
it mean on my garbage (omg) bob toots water (btw)
BTW means By The Way in text language