A healthy community is often characterized by an abundance of bicycle trails, access to healthy food, and playgrounds. Proximity of medical facilities may also be an element of a healthy community.
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There are seven elements of communication:
Source idea (Source)
Let's discuss each element.
The Source idea is the process by which one formulates an idea to communicate to another party. This process can be influenced by external stimuli such as books or radio, or it can come about internally by thinking about a particular subject. The source idea is the basis for the communication.
The Message is what will be communicated to another party. It is based on the source idea, but the message is crafted to meet the needs of the audience. For example, if the message is between two friends, the message will take a different form than if communicating with a superior.
Encoding is how the message is transmitted to another party. The message is converted into a suitable form for transmission. The medium of transmission will determine the form of the communication. For example, the message will take a different form if the communication will be spoken or written.
The Channel is the medium of the communication. The channel must be able to transmit the message from one party to another without changing the content of the message. The channel can be a piece of paper, a communications medium such as radio, or it can be an email. The channel is the path of the communication from sender to receiver. An email can use the internet as a channel.
The Receiver is the party receiving the communication. The party uses the channel to get the communication from the transmitter. A receiver can be a television set, a computer, or a piece of paper depending on the channel used for the communication.
Decoding is the process where the message is interpreted for its content. It also means the receiver thinks about the message's content and internalizes the message. This step of the process is where the receiver compares the message to prior experiences or external stimuli.
Feedback is the final step in the communications process. This step conveys to the transmitter that the message is understood by the receiver. The receiver formats an appropriate reply to the first communication based on the channel and sends it to the transmitter of the original message.
There are seven elements of communication:
Source idea (Source)
Let's discuss each element.
The Source idea is the process by which one formulates an idea to communicate to another party. This process can be influenced by external stimuli such as books or radio, or it can come about internally by thinking about a particular subject. The source idea is the basis for the communication.
The Message is what will be communicated to another party. It is based on the source idea, but the message is crafted to meet the needs of the audience. For example, if the message is between two friends, the message will take a different form than if communicating with a superior.
Encoding is how the message is transmitted to another party. The message is converted into a suitable form for transmission. The medium of transmission will determine the form of the communication. For example, the message will take a different form if the communication will be spoken or written.
The Channel is the medium of the communication. The channel must be able to transmit the message from one party to another without changing the content of the message. The channel can be a piece of paper, a communications medium such as radio, or it can be an email. The channel is the path of the communication from sender to receiver. An email can use the internet as a channel.
The Receiver is the party receiving the communication. The party uses the channel to get the communication from the transmitter. A receiver can be a television set, a computer, or a piece of paper depending on the channel used for the communication.
Decoding is the process where the message is interpreted for its content. It also means the receiver thinks about the message's content and internalizes the message. This step of the process is where the receiver compares the message to prior experiences or external stimuli.
Feedback is the final step in the communications process. This step conveys to the transmitter that the message is understood by the receiver. The receiver formats an appropriate reply to the first communication based on the channel and sends it to the transmitter of the original message.
The seven elements of communication are:Source ideaMessageEncodingChannelReceiverDecodingFeedback
Explain the difference between the elements of the communication process and the communication process
these are the elements that makes up the communication process complete
elements of communication are interrelated with one another
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The seven elements of communication are:Source ideaMessageEncodingChannelReceiverDecodingFeedback
Explain the difference between the elements of the communication process and the communication process
these are the elements that makes up the communication process complete
indentification and discussion on each the seven elements of interpersonal communication
indentification and discussion on each the seven elements of interpersonal communication
elements of communication are interrelated with one another
area communication is are non-verval communication,verval communication and written communication
How to incorporate additional effective elements into your written communication?
identify and define the elements of the communication process
1) The mental filter 2) Perfect communication is impossible 3) Communication Environment 4) Use of symbols
They are elements of interpersonal communication.