"PIX (Private Internet Exchange) was the original firewall application developed by Cisco. It was eventually replaced by the newer ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) protection software. For information on the differences between Cisco ASA and PIX, visit their official website."
The first one has a capital i.
differences between unilateral and bilateral networks
None, if you meant "contract".
state 2 advantages of the internet
The Internet 2.0 does not exist. A common misconception, due to the fact that the term web 2.0 exists - but these two terms mean completely different things.
what is the defrance between internet1 and internet2
Internet2 is going to censor our freedom. The US government is out of control!! Write your congress online, to make them write laws blocking these big businesses from toying with our internet.
not that fast
The website Internet2 hosts many events. Some of the events that the website Internet2 hosts would be one of the biggest events would be sharing ideas and innovations among its members.
AnswerThe difference between the two is that internet is the world wide web and network is local.
There are many government, corporate, and university internets. The two best known are the internet you're reading this on and Internet2 which is used by a consortium of universities. >9000
The internet is a network. The biggest network around. Are you sure you're not looking for the differences between internet and intranet?
The differences between them is that the it has a more streamlined look and the some of the issues are fixed as well.Moving through web pages is easier and changing search engines is easier.
I don't understand the nature of this question however the only difference is that the first letter is not capitalized.
Webb uses HTTP protocal Internet uses TCP/IP protocal