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Advantages is good news spread faster.

Disadvantages is bad news spread faster too.

Advantages is that we can share more,in shorter time,and also benefit and be benefited more.Everything became almost instant.Sms,internet connectivity(though malaysian connection suxks),cellular phone technology, WiFi and also others technology.There are many others advantages but i couldn't think of now.

Disadvantages...harder to answer to this question.I think,maybe it'll further jeopardize the intellectual property rights.Sharing or pirated movies,musics and other intellectual properties becomes instants also.I mean,why pay a few bucks to cinema while you can sit back and watch it on over the net ?

Well...i'm not really into the communication field.Jst find this topic interesting and joined in discussion.

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Q: What are the advantages ad disadvantages of fast means of communication nowadays?
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