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Q: What are interesting topics for a one minute speech?
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What is the difference between speech and speech communication?

Communication covers all the different aspects of information transfer. Speech is one of those aspects.

What should your 3 minute talk be about?

If you have been given no guidelines or list of topics from which to choose, then the best suggestion for your three minute talk is to talk about something that really interests you. Treat it somewhat like an essay, and do enough research to discuss both sides of one or more important issues. Write up a brief outline and discuss it with your teacher, if possible, before finalizing it. If you are not allowed to discuss it with your teacher, perhaps going to your local library and discussing it with a librarian would be a good alternative. Remember, you can always come back here to WikiAnswers and ask more questions.

How can someone contact the company RemServ?

One can contact RemServ through email, mail or by phone. They have different phone numbers for the different topics of questions one might have. For more information, one should go to the contact us section of their official website.

Topics for good thesis writing for mass communication students?

Tabloidization of online news is one topic for a good thesis writing for mass communication students. Impact of social media on purchasing behavior is another example.

Example of speech of presentation?

There are a few things you will want to keep in mind when choosing a topic. Make sure you pick one that is motivational, informative, and that you can deliver well.

Related questions

Interesting topics for informative speech?

Some interesting topics for informative speech include how nuclear power works, the history of one's school, or how to dunk a basketball. It also includes how to make a fondant cake, the history of newspapers, and how to change car's oil.

A English speech on any topic?

If you are asking me to suggest a topic for a speech, try going to and pick one of the topics being discussed on that site - they are quite interesting.

How do you write a one minute speech on children?

A one minute speech is not a lot of time to talk, so you would have to choose a specific topic about children. It could be children's play, funny things children do, using play to help children learn, or many other topics. Write a short introduction that grabs the audience's attention, the body of the speech, and a short conclusion. Practice your speech and time it to be sure it's one minute.

What is an interesting topic for a 3 minute speech?

One interesting topic for a 3-minute speech could be the impact of social media on mental health. You could discuss how excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, and offer suggestions for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media.

What are some common persuasive speech topics?

Some persuasive speech topics are "Smoking is bad for you", "Drinking and driving kills people" There are many more topics that one can find in newspaper listing or online. One just has to be passionate about the topic they pick.

How do you write a one minute speech on adventure?

To make a one minute speech on adventure, you would first have to choose an adventure. It could be any adventure, but a one minute speech is not very much time, so it would have to be something that would not take long to talk about. Some ideas are: canoeing on a fast moving river, hiking up a steep mountain, hunting morels in a woods, or even a shopping trip at a new store. You would want a short introduction, the body of the speech, and a short conclusion. Use descriptive words to make it interesting.

There is one word for one minute speech what is the word?

morning hour speeches?

What are some topics for a one minute presentation?

Some ideas for one minute presentations are:How to cook a specific food dishHow to put on make-upWhat to take on a camping tripWhy dogs barkThe best place to go on vacationThe food groupsWhat a specific nutrient is needed forThe main goal in choosing a topic is that it is specific enough that you can say what you need to say in one minute, which is not very long for a speech.

How do you write a one minute speech for being a prefect?

talk about your favourite food.

How do you edit a speech into more attractive?

writing a speech is very easy and interesting.first of all,honor and welcome the guest and introduce yourself,then start by asking an interesting question to the one who is present in front of you.then express your views.end your speech with an interesting quote.

What are some interesting dissertation topics for auditing?

Interesting dissertation topics for auditing can be difficult to come up with without broadening the topic to accounting as well. One topic could be just auditing itself. Others could be accounting methods, online accounting, and bookkeeping.

How many minutes was martin Luther king jr's speech?

1 minute 28 seconds to be exact