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The main goal of business communication is to influence, to control our audience's responses in the way we had intended, so that we can fulfill certain aims for ourselves and our organizations. Effective business communication, of course, results in our eliciting the response we desire both in the short term, such as having our audience obey an order, and in the long term, such as having our audience continue to follow the spirit of the policy. Secondary goals such as self-expression, social relationships, and career advancement also involve producing change in knowledge, attitude, or action. With all these complicated variables going on in the communication process, no wonder communication is imperfect.

As a business example of this imagine everyone in a company receiving a copy of the annual report. An accountant may concentrate only on one footnote in the financial statement; a sales person may look at nothing but the marketing charts; and a public relations officer may respond only to the quality of the brochure itself. Each reader received the same data; each reader perceived them differently.

So communications tend to influence different due to different perception of people working in the same organization.

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Q: What are goals of business communication?
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Why communication is important in business?

when we are talking with each other we communicate to each other this is call communication. now why it is important in business. with out communication the concept of achievement of goals is difficult, so there for it is important. good communication ensure the business goals. we organize the people by communication. The organization become more efficient in work. There are two kind of communication in organization one is internal and the second is external. In internal we deal the employee, aware him about the business give him training and busy in other activity for aware in external communication we deal the supplier and customer. a good communication can improve the business and ac-hive the target.

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