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Assembler, Compiler and Interpretor

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Q: The three Types of translator
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Translator means it is a one kind of changer that change the program in to the machine language code.There are two types of language translator Compiler and Interpreter.Compiler complies the entire program before translating in to the machine code.Whereas Interpreter translates and executes the program line by line.

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in the word translator the suffix is ator it means to one who or that acts or does

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What are the top ten website translator apps?

"Here are the top 10 translator apps. Google Translate, iTranslate - free translator, iTranslate - the free translator, iTranslate - Global Language, Translator - translate with voice, SpeakText FREE - Read & Translate , iTranslate Plus - the universal, Translator Free ~ translate with voice, Free Translator - Translate Text and iTranslate - Ultimate."