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DNA --> RNA --> Protein

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Q: The flow of information in a cell proceeds?
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The information flow and relationship between accident and other investigations?

If a criminal determination is made by the CID, the accident investigation proceeds.

Describes the information flow and relationship between accident and other investigations?

If a criminal determination is made by the CID, the accident investigation proceeds.

Describe the information flow and relationship between accident and other investigations?

If a criminal determination is made by the CID, the accident investigation proceeds.

When meiosis is finished how many cells are there?

After meiosis is complete, provided it proceeds normally, there will be four cells with half the genetic information of the original cell.

What is the centrial dogma of biology?

The central dogma of biology states that the flow of genetic information in a cell is from DNA to RNA to protein. This means that genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA and then translated from RNA to protein, which carries out various functions in the cell.

When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution will the flow of water be in or out of the cell?

In a hypotonic solution, there is a higher concentration of solutes inside the cell compared to outside. This causes water to flow into the cell, leading to swelling or potentially bursting of the cell due to the excess intake of water.

What does the central dogma help us to explain?

A central dogma is an explanation of the flow of the genetic information in a cell, including the replication of DNA.

Which cell can cytoplasm flow in?

The white blood cell.

What controls the materials flow in and out of the cell?

the cell membrane

What control the flow of substances in and out of a cell?

The cell membrane

How does diffusion help the cell get nutrition?

It lets the cell nutrition flow into the cell.

What kind of cell did life first begin as?

Life is believed to have first begun as simple prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, around 3.5 billion years ago. These cells lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, and are thought to be the earliest form of life on Earth.