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Complaint Barriers for Dissatisfied Customers

InconvenienceØDifficult to find the right complaint procedure.

ØEffort, e.g., writing a letter.

Doubtful Pay OffØUncertain whether any action, and what action will be taken by the firm to address the issue the customer is unhappy with.

UnpleasantnessØComplaining customers fear that they may be treated rudely,

Ømay have to hassle, or

Ømay feel embarrassed to complain.

Strategies to Reduce These Barriers

Make feedback easy and convenient by:ØPrinting Customer Service Hotline numbers, e-mail and postal addresses on all customer communications materials.

Reassure customers that their feedback will be taken seriously and will pay off by:ØHaving service recovery procedures in place, and communicating this to customers.

ØFeaturing service improvements that resulted from customer feedback.

Make providing feedback a positive experience:ØThank customers for their feedback.

ØTrain the frontline not to hassle but to make customers feel comfortable.

ØAllow for anonymous feedback.

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Q: Reduce customer complaints
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