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One way to keep accurate records of one to one communication is by recording the conversation. Recording the conversation is great when you have to be accurate.

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Q: Methods of keeping accurate records of one to one oral communication?
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Briefly describe two methods of maintaining accurate records of one-to-one oral comunication?


What is the importance of computerised communication in health care settings?

Computerised communication is when communication takes place electronically. It is also a very quick form of interacting with people. Individuals can access a vast amount of information through the internet. Email and text messages can reach people in a fraction of the time that paper-based written communication used to take place. It is possible to network with a wide range of other professionals rapidly using electronically recorded messages. Computerised records are very important in care work and should be treated with the same degree of formality as other written records. An example of computerised communication would be a doctor making out a prescription slip on the computer for the patient to take to the pharmacist to get their medication. This type of computerised communication would make sure that the prescription is correct as it's done o the computer and it's better than hand writing, in case the pharmacist wouldn't understand the handwriting of the doctor and would give the patient the wrong medicine. It helps care settings to be much safer and organized.

Can we clear history of chats which saved in email?

Yes you can. Go in the chat section, and delete all the records. If you want, you can disable the record keeping! Just next time when you chat with someone, select "Go off the record" and then they won't save the chat anymore.

What are the disadvantages of audio - visual communication?

While audio-visual communication offers numerous benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider: Lack of Personal Interaction: Audio-visual communication, especially when conducted remotely or through pre-recorded media, lacks the personal interaction found in face-to-face communication. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can be limited or difficult to interpret, leading to potential misunderstandings or miscommunication. Technical Challenges: Audio-visual communication heavily relies on technology, which can sometimes be prone to technical issues. Poor audio or video quality, internet connectivity problems, or compatibility issues with different devices or software can disrupt communication and hinder the effectiveness of the message. Language and Cultural Barriers: In audio-visual communication, language and cultural differences can present barriers to understanding. Accents, unfamiliar vocabulary, or cultural references may make it challenging for participants to comprehend the intended message fully. This can lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings. Distractions and Information Overload: In audio-visual communication, there is a higher possibility of distractions and information overload. Participants may be easily distracted by their surroundings or multitasking while attending to the communication, leading to reduced attention and comprehension. Additionally, the abundance of visual and auditory stimuli can overwhelm participants, making it difficult to focus on the main message. Limited Feedback and Engagement: Unlike in face-to-face communication, audio-visual communication may limit the immediacy of feedback and engagement. Delays in responses, difficulty in reading audience reactions, or limited opportunities for spontaneous interaction can hinder the flow and effectiveness of the communication process. Access and Inclusivity Challenges: Not everyone may have equal access to the necessary technology or reliable internet connections required for audio-visual communication. This can exclude certain individuals or groups, creating disparities in participation and hindering inclusivity. Additionally, individuals with visual or hearing impairments may face challenges in fully engaging with audio-visual content. Permanence and Record-keeping: Audio-visual communication, particularly in live settings, may lack permanent records of conversations or discussions. Unlike written communication, which can be saved and referred back to, audio-visual communication may not have the same level of documentation, making it challenging to retrieve specific details or agreements discussed during the communication. It's important to consider these disadvantages when choosing the appropriate mode of communication for different situations. While audio-visual communication offers convenience and flexibility, it's essential to be aware of its limitations and take necessary steps to overcome or mitigate these challenges for effective communication.

Phone number to Jive records?

what is the number to jive records? please were going to make it to the top!!!!!!

Related questions

Briefly describe two methods of maintaining accurate records of one to one oral communication?

There are many ways to maintain accurate records of one-on-one oral communication. For instance, one could record the conversation with a phone or tape recorder, or a person could write down everything that was said.

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Briefly describe two methods of maintaining accurate records of one-to-one oral comunication?


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It gave them an accurate and economical means of communicating and keeping records.

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Keeping records is important in any business so that you can go back to the history. It will be time consuming if you do not have an accurate record keeping management. It should organize, systematic, and easy to follow.

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Accounting is the keeping of financial accounts. Those who work in accounting are responsible for keeping accurate financial records, and providing reports to business owners, managers, and stockholders.

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refence from books of impact of poor records keeping

Why must scientists keep accurate records of everything they do and observe?

Scientists must keep accurate records to ensure the reproducibility and validity of their work. Accurate records allow others to verify their findings and build upon their research. It also helps prevent errors and biases in data collection and analysis.

Can serial number tell the year the device was made?

Most of the time yes it can.It all depends on the factory keeping accurate records of there serial numbers.

Who is responsible for maintaining records?

Individuals, businesses, and organizations are responsible for maintaining their own records. This includes keeping track of financial transactions, legal documents, and other important information. Maintaining accurate records is crucial for tax compliance, financial planning, and overall organizational efficiency.