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Q: Is written communication verbal or non verbal?
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Related questions

What are the four types of communication?

Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication,Written Communication and Visual communication

Can you have non-verbal communication in written messages?

It is possible to have non-verbal communication in written messages. These can appear as written in gestures in parenthesis for example.

What are different forms of communication in the salon?

verbal,non verbal,written

Which of the 4 different modes of communication do you use most?

written communication

What is the difference between non verbal and verbal communication and give examples?

verbal is speaking communication but non verbal is non speaking communication like verbal is speech and non verbal is news paper

Is whispering verbal or non verbal communication?

Whispering is verbal communication.

What are the types of non-verbal communication?

i want answer of types of non-verbal communication

What are verbal and non verbal communication?

Verbal communication uses words. Non-verbal communication are the ways we communicate without words, such as smiling, gesturing, and touching. Things like e-mail and SMS are considered verbal communication, because they use words, even though the words are written rather than spoken. This question and answer is therefore a form of verbal communication.

How can written presentation be enhanced by non verbal communication?

i don't know

What are some unacceptable non verbal communication in Europe?

non-verbal communication in europe

Difference between verbal and nonverbal forms of communication?

one is spoken - verbal and the other is non spoken - non verbal, so a phonecall would be verbal communication and a letter would be non verbal communication

What percent of your communication is non-verbal?

80% is non verbal