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Q: How is promotion related to communication?
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Communication process in promotion decision?

well communication process plays a vital role in promotion decision

What is the role of sales promotion in Integrated Marketing Communication....?

role of sales promotion in integrated marketing communication

What is communication marketing all about?

Product, place, price and promotion is what communication marketing is all about. The four mentioned items are the key promotion part of marketing communications. These messages will then target advertising, brands and public relations.

What are the difference between Through the Line promotion and integrated marketing communication?

Nothing really.

What are the importance of intercommunal relationship?

the level of connection/communication that exists between 2 communities

What has the author Marifran Mattson written?

Marifran Mattson has written: 'Health as communication nexus' -- subject(s): Communication in public health, Health promotion, Communication in medicine, Health education

What is the difference between Telecommunication and Mobile communication?

the difference between Telecommunication and Mobile communication that , tele related to wire communication and mobile related to wireless communication

What has the author Don E Schultz written?

Don E. Schultz has written: 'Sales promotion management' -- subject(s): Sales promotion 'Strategic brand communication campaigns' -- subject(s): Advertising campaigns 'IMC, the next generation' -- subject(s): Marketing, Brand name products, Business communication, Customer services, OverDrive, Business, Nonfiction 'Sales promotion essentials' -- subject(s): Sales promotion

I want electronics communication paper presentation related to communication?

plz send me some projects related to electronics and communication on my

Define tourism promotion?

Tourism is related to every walk of life.Everything is related with tourism.Tourism promotion means promote the tourism with the various concepts,by developing new ideas but we can do this only when we have the market knowledge.

What are the 4cs of marketing?

The 4 C's are: Customer Value (Not product) Cost (Not price) Convenience (Not place) Communication (Not promotion)

Is Ericsson distributing free laptops as brand promotion?

This is a hoax. See the related link with information from Ericsson's web site. There is no such promotion and not even such an Ericsson employee.