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Managing communication has really changed and evolved over time thanks to technology.

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Q: How have you seen managing communication evolve and change over time where you work?
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What word means any change over time?


Can you use the word evolve in a sentence?

This means to change over time. Here are some sentences.Living things evolve over time.The group will evolve into a whole as we get to know each other.You will evolve your own painting style.

How do you use evolution in a sentence?

Over time, organisms evolve and change.

Did tennis change or evolve over time?

yes!there are better players

A group of organisms that changes over time is said to?

This describes the process of evolution. When organisms evolve, they change over time in a way adaptive to their current environment.

What is the smallest biological unit that can evolve over time?

The smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is a population. Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of a population over generations. Individuals do not evolve, but rather the frequency of traits within a population changes over time.

The change in the inherited traits of species over long periods of time is called?


What is the process by witch species cgradually change overtime?

As they adapt to their environment, they slowly change over time. They are said to Evolve.

Will cats continue to evolve?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. So, cats will continue to evolve. Organisms evolve, or go extinct. Speciation is another thing.

How does change over time occur?

Any change over time is called rate

How do things change over time?

They adapt and evolve through the process of natural selection and learned behaviours.

What statements are true about any language?

All languages have a system of communication using sounds, symbols, or gestures. Languages evolve and change over time due to cultural, social, and historical factors. In every language, there are grammar rules and vocabulary that help convey meaning.