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Q: How gestures are important in a communication?
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The importance of kinesics to the study of non verbal communication?

Kinesics, the study of body language and gestures, plays a crucial role in understanding nonverbal communication. It provides insights into emotions, attitudes, and intentions that may not be expressed verbally. By analyzing facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye movement, researchers can decipher hidden meanings and enhance communication effectiveness.

Where communication originates?

Communication originated spontaneously. It was not designed. Communication through sound and gestures progressed to signs, speech and languages. It must have been a gradual development from gestures to vocal communication to vocal languages.

What are the 4 modes of communication?

communication modes: written spoken body language (gestures) mime

Discuss how non-verbal compliments verbal communication?

Non verbal communication is often employed with the use of facial gestures or hand gestures, and they can nicely compliment verbal communication by adding to the other persons understanding of what is being conveyed.

Why humans are better than apes using their gestures?

Long-term memory and a system of communication assigning words and concepts to gestures.

Why is it important to use hand gestures?

Hand gestures are important because you can communicate whether it being with the audience or a partner.

What is nonverbal?

Unspoken or unwritten communication. Gestures , looks , body postures.

What are some gestures used for communication in Sweden?

i dont know what you asking me for