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The receptor changes shape and activates a chain reaction that leads to the cell changing its activities.

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Q: How does this allow intercellular communication to occur?
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Does skin cells have intercellular matrix?

Skin cells do not have an intercellular matrix. The intercellular matrix is found between cells and provides structural support, hydration, and communication between cells in tissues like connective tissue. Skin cells, or keratinocytes, are the main cells in the epidermis and are packed closely together with specialized junctions to maintain the integrity of the skin barrier.

Does onion cells have intercellular space between them?

Yes, onion cells do have intercellular space between them. These spaces allow for the movement of substances such as nutrients and gases within the onion tissue.

What is the definition of intercellular communication?

Im not for sure but ii do kno the construction of a multicellular organism requires communication between cells, to regulate patterns of growth and differentiation.!!

What has the author Conor J Gallagher written?

Conor J. Gallagher has written: 'Nucleotide-mediated intracellular and intercellular communication in spinal astrocytes'

Within a leaf there are many air spaces between the cell of the?

The air spaces within a leaf, known as intercellular spaces, allow for gas exchange to occur. This facilitates the entry of carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis and the exit of oxygen produced during this process. Intercellular spaces also help in regulating water vapor and temperature within the leaf.

Are there intercellular spaces?

Yes, there are intercellular spaces which are usually used for gas exchange between the cells.

How do you define communication?

Transfer of Information There must be a sender and a receiver for communication to occur.

Wastes pass from intercellular fluid into?

The waste of excretion leave the body of the cells and are excreted into the intercellular fluid, Wastes pass from the intercellular fluid into the blood plasma via diffusion.