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There are many places where you can purchase domain names. GoDaddy, NetworkSolutions, DynoNames, MaddogDomains, and Domainhostingall are just a few of the places you can purchase from.

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Q: How does one purchase a nom de domaine?
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Related questions

What does nom de domaine mean in English?

If I am correct, nom de domaine is the French way of saying Domain Name in English. Domain names, or nom de domaines, are website addresses you can go to on the interenet.

How does 'nom de domaine' translate into English?

The French word 'nom' meaning 'name' and 'de' a particle word, 'for' or 'of' pertaining to the phrase "Nom de domaine" translates easily into English to mean "Domain name". Domain name refers to a URL for a website.

What does the phrase 'nom de domaine' mean in English?

"Nom de domaine" is the French phrase for "domain name". It's used in the same way "domain name" is used in English - specifically, the base URL of a website. For example, all pages on Amazon feature Amazon's domain name.

What does le nom de mes dieux symbolise?

Le nom de vos dieux peut symboliser divers aspects tels que leur domaine de gouvernance, leurs attributs, leur pouvoir, ou leur origine mythologique. Chaque nom peut avoir une signification particulière qui reflète leur rôle et leur importance dans votre pratique religieuse ou spirituelle.

When was Extension du domaine de la lutte created?

Extension du domaine de la lutte was created in 1994.

What does nom de famille mean in English?

nom = name de = of famille = family so 'Nom de famille' means name of your family or surname.

Do you have to register a Nom de Plume?

a 'nom de plume' is apseudonym for writers. There is no registration.

Comment s'appellent les chanteurs de Sexion d'Assaut?

Lefa de son vrai nom: Karim FallMaitre Gims de son vrai nom: Gandhi DjunaPetrodollars de son vrai nom:Lionel DahiDoumams de son vrai nom: Mamadou BaldéBlack Mesrimes de son vrai nom: Alpha Diallo Adams de son vrai nom: Adama DialloMaska de son vrai nom: Bastien VincentJR O Chrome de son vrai nom: Karim Ballo

What does Nom de mon mean?

'nom de mon...' means "name of my..." (+ masculine noun)

Use Nom de plume in a sentence?

My favorite author uses a nom de plume.

What did Nom de Plume do to Stephen King?

Nom de Plume, a fellow author, accused Stephen King of stealing the idea for his novel "Misery" from one of Nom de Plume's own works. The accusation was vehemently denied by King and the matter was eventually settled out of court.

What is a writer's nom de plume?

name of pen, which also states that John McGinley is awesome.