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If a company uses information systems, then they must also enact a company policy to protect that information. For instance, sensitive information cannot be made public to all employees.

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Q: How does a company's use of information systems affect its corporate strategies?
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This is question 10 for NVQ level 3- 308 Monitor information systems...this NVQ level 3 is evidence based and is specific to my vocation...this answer should be used in relation to your own vocation... It's important to continuously improve information systems because business grows or declines and in so doing, the strategies change as well. When an information system is improved to meet this criterion, it will then serve, by communicating improved information and provide the tools and content, to enable the strategies to be implemented throughout the organisation.

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Corporate movie systems can be found from a list provided by the American Moving & Storage Association at their website or by contacting them direct and asking specifically about corporate moves.

Enterprise Systems is manufactured by which company?

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What are Fundamental roles if information systems in business?

•Support of business processes and operations. •Support of decision making by employees and managers. •Support of strategies for competitive advantage.