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J'espere que je tappelle a le bonheur pour toi?

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Q: How do you say in french I hope I am calling at a convenient time for You?
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Is texting a waste of time?

No, it's nice to have. Very convenient if you don't have minutes, or in a tight situation. Face to face is the best form of communication. Calling or texting is the same doesn't really matter.

What is face time video calling?

Facetime Video Calling is one of the new apps on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4th Gen. On it, you are able to talk to other people, all around the world that are also using it, with the click of a button. Hope it helped. :) and also, i am new on this site, how do you create a question? Thanks. :)

Where could a person find information about conference calling plans?

Someone can find information regarding conference calling plans from many service providers including but not limited to: 'InterCall', 'Global Meet Audio', 'Conference Now', 'Meeting Zone', 'Free Conference Call', 'Conference Calling' and 'Wolrd Time Server'. General information about conference calling can be found on Wikipedia.

What is airtime minutes?

Airtime Minutes are generally the 'talk time" used on your cell phone. These are the minutes that you will pay for with your plan or pay as you go service. Air time minutes do not normally include the time you spend on your phone calling your service provider.

How many times can a telemarketer call in 1 day?

They should not be calling repeatedly during the day, nor at unreasonable times. If they keep calling in one single day, then it's a form of creditor harassment, you should keep notes of the time of each call and who you spoke to, and complain to the creditor or a professional body.

Related questions

What is your convenient time that i can speak to you is it in correct form?

A more natural way to ask would be: "What is a convenient time for me to speak to you?"

How do you say form time in french?

Temps de forme Hope this helps :)

Is texting a waste of time?

No, it's nice to have. Very convenient if you don't have minutes, or in a tight situation. Face to face is the best form of communication. Calling or texting is the same doesn't really matter.

I hope you have a good time in French?

J'espère que vous vous amusez bien

How do we say I hope you have a fun time in french?

J'espere que tu a un temp agréable!

What is a good sentence for convenient?

It is very convenient to pay by credit card. You'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare. Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy. A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. I'll call back at a more convenient time.

Why is it convenient to measure time using 24 hours in a day not 23 or 25?

It is the most convenient number to choose because it is not a prime number.

Did the American rebels have hope of foreign intervention on their side?

Yes, they have hope of foreign intervention on their side. Their first hope is the French Canadians in Canada, but the diplomatic mission failed. Some time later, the French intervened, and some help in the form of a fleet and experienced military commanders from France, Prussia, Spain and Poland. I hope I answered the question. Thanks :D

What is going on when he goes straight to a french kiss on the 3rd date?

You are having a good time of course! If you like kissing like that do it all the time ! Hope i helped xx

Is it grammatically correct to say Please let me know what date and time is feasible to your schedule?

Not really. 'You may please' is not correct. Use either 'you may' or 'please' but not both. Contact is better than reach. We don't usually use the phrase 'your convenient time'. We usually say 'convenient to you'. SO, a good sentence would be something like this: Please contact me at a time convenient to you. Or Please contact me / at the above address/ via email / on my home phone / at a time convenient to you.

Why do people send text messages?

Because it's a convenient way of sending concise (and often urgent) messages rather than spending time talking. Additionally, it might not be convenient for the recipient to answer their phone, and their handset might be switched off. In which case, the text message will be delivered as soon as their phone is turned on.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses have calling hours?

Calling hours? Like as in the time that we go out in service? Why most certainly! =]