Short, sweet and to the point is best. Something like "Thank you for the kind words" might be a good start if it's a personal letter. If the letter is from an employer it would be appropriate to start with something like "Thank you for your faith in me" and add something like "I'm excited to get started" and/or "I won't let you down" Of course, finding words that you're comfortable with is what's important. Be sincere.
definition of reply to inquiry letter
what is the meaning and example of letter of inquiry and reply
A letter of inquiry is written when seeking information. A reply letter is written as a response to a communication received.
An inquiry letter is a request for information or for something material, such as documents, money, goods, or property. The reply letter is the answer to the inquiry.
Depending on the circumstances, a reply may not be necessary. If you fell that a reply would be appropriate, base your reply one the circumstances of the departure and the content of the thank you letter. Be sincere and say what you feel but don't go too far. If you don't have anything good to say, don't reply.
definition of congratulatory latter explain
From your cell phone, go to message and type Congratulations and send it. That's all!!!
To reply to an explanation letter, simply reply to the issues and concerns raised in the letter.
My friend gave a congratulatory telegram.
definition of reply to inquiry letter
Yes, you can receive a letter (certificate) from the pope. It must be requested well in advance from your pastor or bishop.
Yes, I can provide a letter of support for your promotion.
I am happy to provide a letter of recommendation for your promotion.
what is the meaning and example of letter of inquiry and reply
Yes, I am happy to provide a letter of recommendation for your promotion.
Yes, I can provide a letter of support for the professor's promotion.
The silent letter in "reply" is the 'p'. It is not pronounced when saying the word.