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By 'waggle dance', touch and pheremones.
They comunicate by dancing to show where necter or pollen has been found.

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Q: How do bees communicate?
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How do all bees communicate?

by flapping their wings

How can bees communicate?

they give signals to eachother

Can or cannot bees within one hive comunicate with bees from another?

Bees within one hive can communicate with bees from another hive through scent trails, which they use to signal the location of food sources or new hive locations. This communication enables bees to share information and resources with bees from different hives within the same colony.

How would a bee communicate information to the rest of the bees in the hive?

By "dancing".

How does bumble bee go to a flower?

Bees communicate with each other with a little dance. A bee will tell other bees where to find flowers. Then the bees will follow the directions they were given.

How do bees pass on messages to each other?

They touch penis' and then they do the Harlem Shake.

How do one mosquiot communicate with other?

through some sort of buzzing like bees

What does circular dance mean to bees?

to communicate the location of food sources close to the colony

Do wasps talk to bees?

No, not that we can tell. They don't typically interact, so its no surprise that they don't communicate.

Can bees smell human fear?

Bees cannot smell human fear. Their sense of smell is primarily used to locate flowers for nectar and pollen, to communicate with other bees through pheromones, and to identify their hive and queen.

The bees sound?

Bees produce buzzing sounds as they flap their wings to navigate or communicate. The frequency and intensity of the buzzing may vary depending on the specific behavior they are engaged in.

How do bees communicate with each other?

Bees communicate with each other through a combination of physical movements and chemical signals. Through dance-like movements known as the waggle dance, bees can convey information about the location of food sources. They also release pheromones to signal alarm, mark food sources, or coordinate activities within the hive.