Before the telephone, people used the telegraph to communicate rapidly over great distances. Before that communication over distance was less rapid and less frequently attempted.
People used written letters and the Post Office, heliographs and watch towers to relay information, signal fires and smoke signals, bells, horns, bugles, bag pipes and drums in different circumstances.
And they also traveled distances to talk to one another.
The first answer is that Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. And the telegraph. The second answer is that Alexander Graham Bell invented the very first telephone.
talk or write a letter
The fax machine for the telephone was not invented until the 1960s. It was first marketed by the Xerox Corporations in 1964.
By telephone and also by a CB radio.
helps people cummunicate from a long distance
Telephone, Telegraph, Pony Express, etc.
They used smoke signals to communicate with one another.
by mail and telegraph. thats right i know stuff
scottish people invented the kilt and bag pipes The television and telephone were invented by Scots.
Alexander Bell invented the telephone..
Telephones are made by many different people nowadays, but the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
Bell accidentally invented the telephone while working on a hearing device for deaf people. That is what he did first for the telephone.
First, you should learn proper grammar. The telephone plays a "role" not a "roll." people could communicate from distances ADDED: None. The Industrial Revolution occurred before electricity was a viable energy-source, let alone the telephone was invented.
If you're asking for the French translation of "When was the telephone invented," sorry, can't help you there. If you're asking when a telephone that could be used by French speaking people was invented... could be 1861, could be 1875. Depends on exactly what you mean by "telephone." Philipp Reis invented a sort of telephone in 1861; it was by most accounts more suited for continuous tones and didn't transmit speech very well. Alexander Graham Bell invented his telephone in 1875. Bell's design was fairly language-neutral; it reproduces sound, and it doesn't really matter what language the sound is in. If you're asking when the telephone was invented in France... it wasn't invented in France.
No, the telephone was invented in 1876.
to get connect with other people no matter near or far from us
Various people including the company Motorola, in 1978.