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Spam emails can be redirected from one's email account by increasing the security filters for one's email account. This can be accomplished through changing the settings in one's account settings. Alternatively, one can mark unwanted mail as 'junk' which will result in future messages being redirected to the trash folder.

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Q: How can a person prevent spam emails from being delivered to their email account?
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No, if you didn't enter the contest in person yourself, you didn't win anything.

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A person can search multiple emails on Facebook by typing the emails into the search box. If there is an email associated with a user, it will appear in the box.

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you call them e-pals

Why don't you get all the emails that were sent to you?

There is a never-ending list of reasons. However, here are some possibilities: 1) The person sending you the email has your address wrong. 2) A spam filter you have set up is not allowing the emails to reach your inbox. If you, or the person who is sending you the email, are using a pop 3 account, such as outlook express, a firewall is stopping the emails being sent, or are stopping the emails reaching your machine, thinking they contatin an unsafe file. 3) There was a problem with whomever hosts your email service, and due to that the email became lost in the depths of the interweb.

What is the function of the email?

Emails allow people to send messages to people over the internet. A person must have a unique email address to send and receive emails.

Why am i receiving spam from unknown senders saying they like my photos how would I have my photos on Facebook if i have no account can you remove them?

That is the nature of spammers. They simply send out emails like that to anyone they can; those that have no Facebook would wonder "what the ****?" as you did, and those that do have one would assume they are serious and reply, thus tripping the trap.Like any spam or emails from someone you don't know, delete it immediately. Don't open it, don't reply, just delete.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You should make a Facebook account. Then, find the person with your picture. persuade or (if you have to) threaten that you will call the police to get rid of the picture. Unless you don't know the password of the person with your picture, you can't get rid of it. In addition, I agree with the person from previous answer. Delete the emails or spams immediately. Gmail is a wise choice to filter out the spams or other emails that might harm your computer.

Which is not a section in the Person Summary Screen?

"Emails Sent" is not a section in the Person Summary Screen.