A contraction has an apostraphe to signify missing letters. Similar uses of apostraphe include words with letters missing at the end, which are usially alsng, such as nothin' or ol'.
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A contraction has an apostraphe to signify missing letters. Similar uses of apostraphe include words with letters missing at the end, which are usially alsng, such as nothin' or ol'.
none of the above.
Presidents is plural and possessive, so the apostrophe goes at the end: Presidents' Day.
Homicide, rape, treason, robbing, kidnapping, eluding the police, not using an apostraphe
No idea. But you seriously need to use spellcheck. 'Mothers' has and apostraphe before the 's'.
There is no space. If you mean a word such as "isn't" there is no space between the apostraphe and the final letter in the word.For words or names that require an apostraphe at the end of it, such as "Mr Jones'" the need for a space is only required if the word is a part of the sentance and not the end such as "It belonged to Mr Jones' cat." or "It was Mr Jones'."
If you are using the word zoo in the plural form, or more than one, then it does not require an apostrophe. If you refer to something that belongs to the zoo, then, yes, it requires an apostraphe.
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