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Fist of, that is a great question!
For me, It depends on the youth and how he/she views today Com.Technology.
In order to best answer that question, we must first "define" what is Com.Tech and why was it created/purpose.
(in short) Communication Technology, is a general term to define, various devices used for the purpose of Effective & Efficient Communication. ex;, Fax, email, etc & ETC,
now, Purpose again, for a more efficient way to get the message across.
Back at the Question>>>>
if a Youth has the same/similar view and UNDERSTANDING as the above answer, then today's communication Tech. will have a "positive impact" on them. as they would use it for their own personal advantage.
In the negative,
Today's Com.Tech. makes a vast majority of youth loose FOCUS on what is important. Education. they are in classrooms chatting on their cellphones, or they are at home searching on the World Wide Web for new people to talk to, which CAN BE dangerous,

So, as mentioned above, it depends on the youth and their guardians. As a guardian it is your DUTY whether they like it or not, to know what is going on in the life's of those youth.
As someone says: "If they are not talking/communicating with YOU, they are for sure talking to someone else"
take care!

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Q: Does communication technology have a positive or negative impact on today's youth?
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