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What are advantages of Written word Communication?

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Q: Advantages of written communication
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What are advantages of written communication?

A written communication documents the information communicated, including to whom the information was provided and the date of the communication. Verbal communication is a valid form of communicating information but does not document the communication.

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Advantages of written communication:More accurate (errors can be corrected or content approved before message is sent).A physical record of the communication is made.Documentation exists to refer back to when necessary.

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Written communication is documentation of the communication. A written communication (except for the most casual) should include the date and the name of the person originating the communication. An oral agreement or contract is as binding in most places as a written contract, but a written communication is not dependent on the memory or the veracity of the parties.Written communications included notes, memos, letters, emails, and text messages.

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advantages : 1.provide a permenant record , is suitable formal communication, disadvantages : 1.time consuming 2.requires proper format.

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