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Q: Why did the miners went crazy for gold?
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What does the term 49ers refer to?

The 49ers were gold miners that went to California to mine for gold in 1849.

Why gold rush called 49ers?

The 49ers were all of the miners. The California Gold Rush occured in 1849, ergo, the miners, or people who went west in search for gold, were dubbed "'49ers."

The people who rushed to California to seacrch for gold were called?

The miners went to California in the gold rush were called 49ers.

Who were the forty -niners?

The forty-niners were the miners who went to search for gold in 1849 during the California Gold Rush

Where did the miners go after the gold rush of 1849?

they went to neveda for silver because they thought there would be plenty

Who went on the Oregon Trail and why?

farmers,gold miners to find a better life in a land that had yet to be clamed

Why did miners go to different places?

Miners went to different places primarily in search of valuable resources such as gold, silver, coal, and other minerals. They followed rumors of rich deposits or were attracted by mining booms and the potential for striking it rich. Economic opportunities and the allure of adventure also motivated miners to travel to different locations.

Where there Native American gold miners?

There are native American gold miners in Africa

When did Sacramento Gold Miners end?

Sacramento Gold Miners ended in 1995.

When was Sacramento Gold Miners created?

Sacramento Gold Miners was created in 1993.