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Q: Why are marae coloers always yellow and red?
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What coloers are in a rambow in order?

The colors in a rainbow, in order, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (ROYGBIV).

What are the coloers for emo?

One you spelled Color wrong. Black, purple, red, and greys.

What is Sacagaweas favorite color?

her favorite color was pink

Why is always blood red?

not always mammals have red bugs have green orange and yellow

What is 8 sentences about coloers?

Colors are beautiful, and they range from red to violet. Colors make me feel peaceful, like I could sleep. A rainbow is made out of colors. Colors define our world, and make our vision what it is. We can not see Infrared or Ultraviolet hues. Mixing all the colors of the rainbow together makes brown. Red and yellow make orange. Blue and yellow make green.

Why did Chinese people always were red?

probably something to do with the fact that the flag is red and yellow.

What are One Directions favorite coloers?

Nial Horan: Blue Zayn Malik: Red Harry Styles: Orange Louis Tomlinson: Red Liam Paynw: Purple

Was yellow the original Ferrari color?

No, it has always been red

Are ponds always blue?

no they can be yellow, red, purple or rainbow colored

What cheats are there on Guitar Hero world tour?

Aaron Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Air Instruments Red, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Green, Green, Yellow. Always Slide Green, Green, Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue. AT&T Ballpark Yellow, Green, Red, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow. Auto Kick Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red. Best Buy Kid (Nick) Green, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Green. Euro Contest Winner (Johnny Viper) Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Flame Color Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Blue. Gem Color Blue, Red, Red, Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow. Hyperspeed Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Green, Green. Invisible Characters Green, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Green. Line 6 Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green. Performance Mode Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red. Quickplay Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow. Rina Blue, Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Star Color Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Red, Blue. Vocal Fireball Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green.

Who has right of way between red and yellow binkers?

At an intersection controlled by yellow blinkers on one road and red on the other road, yellow has the right of way. Red will always mean stop. Blinking red means stop-- go when it is safe to do so.

How do you set up a pool triangle?

from top to bottom yellow red yellow yellow black red red yellow red yellow yellow red yellow red red