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In the Tower of London, as part of the UK Crown Jewels

The Kohinoor diamond is a part Royal Collection housed in Queen's Gallery London. It is priceless.

The Koh-i-noor diamond is kept at the Tower of London Jewel House, set into a crown.

According to Wikipedia: "The Koh-i Nur is believed to have originated in the state of Andhra pradesh in India."

Today, the diamond is mounted in Queer Alexandra's diamond crown and is considered part of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. The Crown Jewels are kept in London, England.

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Q: Where is the kohinoor diamond kept?
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Where is the kohinoor diamond exhibited or kept is it in the tower bridge?

queen elizabeth building

What is the colour of Kohinoor diamond?

The Kohinoor diamond is a colorless stone, known for its exceptional clarity and brilliance.

Real size of the kohinoor diamond?

The Kohinoor diamond is 106 carats. It was once the largest diamond in the world. It is now n the Crown Jewels of the British Royal Family.

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How many kohinoor diamond in world?

There is really only one diamond with this name, the Koh-in-Noor Diamond.

Where is Kohinoor Diamond now?

The Kohinoor diamond is a part of the Royal Collection housed in Queen's Gallery London. You can read its fascinating the adventure-filled history by following the link, below.

Who possesses the kohinoor diamond now?

The Koh-i-Noor diamond is in the possession of the British Monarchy.

Who had plundered kohinoor diamond from India?

ahmed shah abdali

The Kohinoor diamond was found in the mines of?

Found in the mines of India.

How many parts are there of the kohinoor damond?

Kohinoor is the name given to the single cut diamond in the royal collection of Queen Elisabeth II of England.

Current market value of the kohinoor diamond?

Rs 2/- only

Why was the kohinoor diamond given to humayun?

We may never know the 'why' of anyone's motivation to pass along this diamond. But it has a remarkable history of being a 'spoil of war' or conquest. You can read more about its travels through time, below.