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Q: What kinds of clothes did peasants wear in Shakespeare's time?
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What was the fashion like in William Shakespeares time?

What kind of fashion are you talking about? If you mean clothes, do a Google image search on "Elizabethan costume". But there are other kinds of fashions. Smoking came into fashion in Shakespeare's time. for example.

Why did the children wear nothing in shakespeares time?

They didn't wear nothing. They wore clothes.

What kinds of people went to theartre during Shakespeares time?

Everyone who loved theater. There was theater for the poor and theater for the rich.

How did the peasants live during the time of the peasants revolt?

They suffered a lot of pain and acted as slaves most of the time. They had NO money and could not afford any good clothes. Peasants were treated poorly and didn't have enough to eat. It was very hard and sad.

What are social changes during the puritan time?

They had to have different kinds of food and clothes.

What were the trousers called in shakespeares time?


What was Shakespeares occupations before he wrote plays?

Nobody knows what kinds of jobs Shakespeare might have held between the time he left Stratford and the time he becomes recognized as a playwright. That is why this part of his life is called "the lost years".

What job did a constable do in shakespeares time?

He was a policeman of sorts.

The cultural influences in William Shakespeares time?

what was the culture of the people in shakespeare time

Could you eat and drink in the theatre?

Yes, in Shakespeares time.

Who was two great explorers of shakespeares time?

donit know

Who played all the roles during shakespeares time?
