There has been no US $100 coin struck in silver. Your $100 coin would then have to be from a different country other than the US. Post a new question including the country of origin and the year of your coin and any mintmark or variety if applicable.
What is the value of Afghan silver serving spoons
$13.50 per 100 pounds
To calculate the present value of 100 pounds in 1973, you would need to adjust for inflation. Using an inflation calculator, the approximate present value of 100 pounds from 1973 would be around 1,170 pounds in 2021.
100 pounds
100 US dollars is worth 64.35 European pounds
100 US dollars is worth 64.35 European pounds
In 1900, 100 pounds would have had the same numerical value as it does now, as the value of currency changes over time but the numerical value of the weight remains constant.
The US never printed 100 dollar silver certificates with this date.
The 1910 1955 half penny stamp value of silver jubilee is two pounds.
100 pounds
$23 oz