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the Yamatji flag is their flag like we have our flag

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Q: What is the Yamatji tribe flag?
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Yes, in fact they had twelve; one for each tribe. See Numbers 1:52 and Numbers 2. The word translated as "standard" is a flag.

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it is black, white, and green with a design in the middle, your welcome (:

When why was the first flag made?

Flags and totems have been used throughout history to identify a social group or tribe.

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There is no such thing as the 'American flag'. Many people, incorrectly, call the US flag the American flag. This is obviously incorrect. There are many other countries in America with their own flag. As with any flag it is a symbol of nationalism. A 'tribe' or society on which values are built and held. Those values may vary within that society but there is usually an overall sense of identity and purpose.

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the Sioux tribe danced the hoop dance which to them represents the circle of life ans for their music the played the flag song and when they are doing the flag song everyone is expected to stand up.

How do you make a flag in small basic?

You have to stay up all night and think of stuff to do ask me in 1345 i made the first flag of my tribe it was hard and i am still living.............. no i an dead it is my great great grandson...............thanks for asking!