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Q: What happens to Indian chief Tecumseh after the battle of Thames?
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How did the Indian confederation end?

The Indian Confederation ended because Shawnee Indian CHief Tecumseh died in the Battle of Thames. Without Tecumseh's leadership the Indian confederation fell apart.

What battle was Tecumseh was killed?

battle of thames

What battle was Tecumseh killed in?

battle of thames

Tecumseh was killed at the battle of?

The Battle of Thames

What battles was Tecumseh in?

battle of thames

Where was Chief Tecumseh killed?

The Battle of Thames.

Which Battle Tecumseh was killed?

Tecumseh, also known as Tekamthi, was killed in the Battle of the Thames. The identity of the person who killed him is not known, and is still being debated.?

The great leader Tecumseh was killed in the?

Battle of the Thames .

What did Tecumseh do for our country?

Tecumseh defended it and he gave up his life for it on october 5th 1813 at the battle of the thames

Why did Tecumseh refuse to retreat at the battle of the thames?

He didn't want to give up his land.

What battle did the Shawnee leader Tecumseh die in?

Tecumseh died in the beginning of the War of 1812, which was the Battle of Thames. He was hit by an American bullet and it is thought that he was defeated by Colonel Johnson.

What year did Chief Tecumseh die the Battle of the Thames River in Canada which took place in what year?

Tecumseh died Oct. 5, 1813.