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Q: What countries export clothes to Britain?
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Who does Ireland export to?

Quite a lot of countries such as Britain and America.

Does Britain export to other countries and if so where?

yes they import to many countries. some are ireland, france, the US, canada, and germany.

Which export is gca EXPORT?

export obligation to export to GCA countries

Where does China export to?

There are so many countries that China exports to. The main countries include United States, Japan, Kenya, Britain, Italy and so many others.

Why countries export goods?

countries export goods so they can pay for what they imported

What are the countries in Caribbean South America are export oil?

The countries that export oil are Venezuela and Colombia!

Did Britain export iron?

Yes, in the 18th century, Britain was actually known to export iron. It was Britain's major industry during this time. However, it is no longer its major industry.

What does the midwestern productivity allows the US to do?

export crops to other countries

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Why do countries export stuff?

countries export stuff because they need the money to buy the stuff they really need

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research two countries depend on the environment for the products that they export

What countries export chairs?

dumb as countries lol