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he wore mexican clothes and did nasty things

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Q: What clothing did James oglethorpe bring to settle ga?
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Why did James oglethorpe plan for Georgia not work?

He thought that they didn't quite get the matter of living seriously and that they did keep their promises. like when the Highland Scots went out to get food, they didn't keep their promise and bring it back.

What did Oglethorpe hope to establish in Georgia?

Georgia was a debtor's colony, it's where the British sent the undesirables of the time.

What do courts do?

courts are made to settle arguements. They are also made to bring justice. They are made to settle disputes. They can bring authority of the state to sieze property and restrict indiviual liberty.

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settle in court put before a jury bring to justice bring before a jury

What term best describes the kind of people Oglethorpe and his associates wanted to bring to Georgia?

Oglethorpe and his associates wanted to bring "worthy poor" individuals to Georgia, specifically debtors and prisoners who were in need of a fresh start and willing to work for the betterment of the colony. They sought individuals who were industrious, honest, and willing to help build a new community.

What clothing do you need to bring to the moon?

A spacesuit

What type of clothing should you bring to Scandinavia?

Winter visits to Scandinavia mean that due to the cold weather there, extra warm clothing is advised. In Summer months, light clothing is fine. In between seasons mean bring a combination of warm & cold weather clothing.

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they would bring worry beads, clothing, and their family

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they offered to bring families to settle on the land

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It was in 1823 -1825