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Q: What are top 5 natural gas mines in India?
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When engineers drill into earth and find a supply of both oil and natural gas do they find oil on natural gas or natural gas on oil?

Natural gas on top of the oil. Natural gas is less dense.

What are Colorado's top 5 natural resources?

Natural gas, oil, and coal make up the top three.

What are Italy's top five resources?

Their top resources are mainly natural gas, wheat, rice, grapes, tourism, machinery, and exports. Their top five are natural gas, tourism, exports, wheat, and rice.

How do you use the word gas in a sentence?

we use natural gas in stove-top cooking.

What are the top natural gas producing countries?

RussiaUnited States

How much natural gas does Wyoming have?

Wyoming is among the top natural gas-producing states in the United States. It holds significant natural gas reserves, with estimates suggesting it has access to over 100 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas.

Does Canada produce natural gas?

Yes, Canada is one of the top natural gas producers in the world. It has significant natural gas reserves and produces a large amount of natural gas to meet both domestic and export demands.

Can sulfur be found in Louisiana?

Yes, sulfur can be found in Louisiana. The state has natural sulfur deposits, particularly in areas with petroleum and natural gas production. Louisiana is one of the top sulfur-producing states in the United States.

What states use natural gas?

Most states in the United States use natural gas as a source of energy. The top states for natural gas production include Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Ohio. These states have extensive infrastructure for producing, storing, and distributing natural gas.

What US states produce natural gas?

The top natural gas-producing states in the U.S. are Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Ohio. These states have abundant natural gas reserves and play significant roles in contributing to the country's overall natural gas production.

What are the top ten natural?

water,animals,coal,forests,sun,wind,humans,soil,natural gas,petoleum