The distance between NYC and Worcester MA is about 180 road miles.
Worcester England has a population of about 94,000 while its counterpart in Massachusetts has about 176,000. Worcester, MA is the 2nd largest city in Massachusetts, behind Boston.
Robert Goddard lived with his father, mother, and sister in Worcester, MA during his childhood.
Verona, NY and Oneida, NY.
The square mileage of Worcester, MA is approximately 38.6 square miles.
Worcester, MA is 38.6 sq miles (99.97 km²).
Worcester, MA's area is 38.6 square miles (99.9 square kilometers).
The address of the Worcester Art Museum is: 55 Salisbury St, Worcester, MA 01609-3123
Fitchburg, ma worcester, ma lawrence, ma lowell, ma springfield, ma
54 miles
The address of the Preservation Worcester is: 10 Cedar St, Worcester, MA 01609-2520
The total snowfall for Worcester, MA for the 2010-2011 winter season was about 81 inches.