it is around a dollar, over 9 million were minted so they are not that rare
Such a coin does not exist. The Royal Mint produced a Two Pound coin dated 2007 commemorating the bicentenary of "AN ACT FOR THE ABOLITION IF THE SLAVE TRADE".
No, a copy is not worth anything to a collector.
It is not a U.S. Mint issued coin.
it all depends on how munch the coin is worth. ( i think?)
99 pence
You most likely have a gold and silver plated 1965 (copper-nickel) British crown (5 shillings) these are incredibly common and the gold/silver plating adds no value to the coin. Your coin is worth 50 cents to a dollar or so.
If it's a copy, it's not worth much of anything. At best, it's worth its metal content.
The 1881 one penny coin can be worth from $6.00 to $50.00 depending on the condition of the one penny coin.
an eire coin depending on denomination and condition can be worth 25 cents to $25.
No ,
It is a medal, not a coin and they are valued from about $10 to $20.