Goatra of Kate surname
The surname Padave belongs to 96 kuli MARATHA caste. In the 96kuli Maratha Padave's come belong Jagtap kuli. You can refer 96k Maratha surnames books available in the market ( in case anyone wants to know information about own surname can refer book ). If referring to books, in new updated book editions you find पाडावे ( पाडे) written and in old editions पाडे will be written but both refer to the same पाडावे surname people. In some places they are Kunbi Maratha
yes .. they usually are kadam's. who have change the surname to mhamunkar. they have settled mostly in raigad district i.e mahad and nearby places
Yes. Chavan surname is in 96 clan maratha. Basically 96 clan means the 96 royal families which were the fighters, rulers in medieval era. Some Maratha families thus include Rajput families. Chavans in Maharashtra are supposed to be the descenders of the Great Prithviraj Chauhan of Ajmer.
Yes that's correct Ghosalkar's from kadwai, Ratnagiri. belongs to 96kuli Maratha clan.
95% maratha
Marataha 96Kuli.
96 Kuli Maratha
Khetale is a surname of Maratha caste.
No, it is a Maratha surname (Kshatriya).